Missing boxes do happen occasionally, for a variety of reasons. If you arrive at your site one day to find that your box is not there, first, make sure you are actually scheduled to receive a box on this day.
Then check the hours that your site is open. Are you picking up in the correct time frame? Some hosts remove extra boxes promptly at the end of the posted hours, and you might have to contact them to get your box if you are going to be even 15 minutes late.
When you are sure that your box is truly missing, please fill out this form: Report an Issue Form
If your box was not at your pickup site on your pickup day during your site’s pickup hours, you can either:
• Get a replacement box scheduled for another date later in the same season
• Receive a refund for your missed box (your refund will be for the amount that you paid per box when you signed up).
On rare occasions, someone takes a box home that has someone else's name on it. Yup, it happens. And, once the error is discovered, a timely swap is usually made back at the site for the correct box--usually.